

Fellow inspector Jim Katen shared the following photos and comments regarding some poorly designed decks.

I found twenty-two balconies like this, constructed in 1995.

Wood joist & plywood decks with 3" slabs on top. Guard rails are lagged straight through the concrete. Perimeter flashing is the usual assortment of incompetence on parade.

Most of the balconies are leaking and rotting -- both from the balcony lags and from the perimeter flashing. I suspect damage in the walls as well.

Of course the builder is making noises about "sealants." However, when I cast a meaningful glance his way, he laughed and said that he was only kidding.

I think that the best repair is to break up and remove the concrete slabs, make the necessary carpentry repairs and re-install the deck surfaces using proper flashing this time. They could cast new concrete or stick with wood and cover it with Gaco-deck or one of the new walkable membranes.

Before I make this recommendation, is there another alternative that doesn't involve removal of the concrete slabs? - Jim Katen


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